not NT but FNQ - is that close enough
not surprising that people are a bit slow to admit being from NT
come on, i know you're out there.
we have kh's here, so there's gotta be a few ex-dubs from the nt lurking here...
not NT but FNQ - is that close enough
not surprising that people are a bit slow to admit being from NT
while this may be construed as a rebuttal to nvr's thread re: why i post about atheism, that is not my intent.. it is my intent, however, to show how i developed a belief in and love for the god of the bible.. my paternal grandfather, who died before i was born, was a baptist preacher, so you could say i cut my teeth on the bible.
i loved having it read to me, and once i learned how, reading it for myself.
i'm convinced that spirituality runs deep in my blood.. i've always had such a strong sense of right and wrong that injustices make me literally sick.
Posted by Snowbird
You can pick what you want and discard the rest - as I did with the article on confirmation bias.
Just wanted to say thats one of the funniest things I've read in ages. Thanks for a good laugh.
the endeavor to compel all men to think alike on all subjects,.
culminated in the great apostasy and the development of the .
great papal system; and thereby the 'gospel,' the 'one faith,'.
Sit down and ask yourself "Am I becoming the person I really want to be?" and then realise that the person you want to be probably doesn't sit around asking themselves silly questions. cheers pak
ok, here's the original:.
and here's a blank one for you:.
COUNTING YOUR HOURS - TEN FINGERS SHOULDN'T BE ENOUGH!! thanks for the laughs cheers pak
and please dont give me links to read.
i dont want a complicated version; just a very simple explanation on the theory of evolution, and if possible, in your own words.
many of us are very ignorant on this subject and it seems that a few here are very knowledgeable so i hope you can help me and others also.. also if you believe in the theory of common descent, could you explain that to me also?
Evolution in simple terms
one word response - change
two word response - slow change
four word response - eons of slow change
Evolution is an emotionally charged word - when you say to some people that lifeforms evolve they go into denial but say that lifeforms change over eons of time and they are more accepting.
Cause everything changes, mountains change, weather changes, cars change, fashions change, continents change, why should lifeforms be unchanging.
The devil however is in the details.
Warlock - I will pm you.
and please dont give me links to read.
i dont want a complicated version; just a very simple explanation on the theory of evolution, and if possible, in your own words.
many of us are very ignorant on this subject and it seems that a few here are very knowledgeable so i hope you can help me and others also.. also if you believe in the theory of common descent, could you explain that to me also?
Warlock They were supposed to be the superior species Evolution only makes the new species superior in their current environment, when the environment changes (very cold winter, new predator etc) what was once an advantage could easily become a disadvantage and so the intermediate species dies off. Population A splits into two separate groups. A2 evolves into B then into C. New predator arrives and finds B particularly tasty. So A1 still exists in a separate population and C in the new group. Rinse and repeat. I note from your 70/10 SMA comment that you're a trader??? What do you trade? cheers pak
a friend pointed out to me that "theistic evolution" is, in essence, no different than intelligent design.
both postulate a creator that is behind creation.
both use the words "creation" and "creator.
Religion goes beyond perceiving the world in a strictly rational, logical way. Science is too cerebral to be well balanced on its own.
so you're saying
Religion perceives the world in a strictly irrational, illogical way. Science is too cerebral to have any part in that bunkum so I dont like it.
let me know if I misread your sentiments,
cheers pak ps damn mkr got there firsti've been out a while, but i remember thinking about this as a teenager and being confused, (my mother told me i must be posessed by demons to think such things and so never offered me an explanation).
what do the jws say about it.
if jehovah can see into the future, he would've known what a mess he was going to make of creation so he would've decided against it before he even thought of it.. based on the theory that he went ahead and created everything anyway, that must mean he can't see into the future.. i also seem to remember that god doesn't interfere with man, because we have free will, so all our actions are down to us and in no way "steered" or "influenced" by god.. so how can he make predictions about the future, i.e.
Now what if God knew the precise atomic structure of everything. He would be able to determine everybody's reactions to each other and the environment to 100% accuracy.
So it's not so much that he can see the future, in that we don't have free will, but rather he can "mentally" calculate the events of the world forward to infinity.
but if our actions and decisions are the result of our atomic structure, they are outside our control and we dont have free will
in this viewpoint it's all cause and effect, applies to everything else in the universe why shouldnt it apply to us
the original atomic structure and movement determines the next milliseconds atomic structure which determines the next and so on, so the universe is a machine in motion
if you believe in freewill and most people like to in some form - at what point of decision making are we able to step outside of our own chemical and molecular makeup and inject freewill into ours lives
I read an article in the Awake on sewing machines that was probably 100% true.
if there is no god, does this make us the most intelligent animal?.
Hi Frannie - excuse me I'm asking the questions
The sun provides light and heat to the earth, its flora and fauna, regardless of humans' existance. And how do you know that's the only purpose of the sun? Why limit the sun's purpose to light and heat, only?
cause I wanted to keep it pithy, and the first line was just there to set up the second line
Where did you discover that humans' purpose is to love and worship God?
I learnt this at the Kingdumb Hall, I unlearnt it here
Where did you come up with the idea that God exists?
see above
That he may or may not have a purpose? Does God have a purpose? IF God has a purpose, do you know what it is? How do you know this?
there is the crux of it - does God have a purpose - cant recall it being mentioned anywhere in the bible but its been a while
if not then worshipping God doesnt give our life purpose - so God might be really nice and really big and strong and a great friend to have, but cant give you purpose if he doesnt have one to start with
so in this area we are the same as the animals whether there is a God or not
not really explaining that very well but its late downunder